
2006   NASA LaRC Workshop “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (September 12-14)

2007   American Control Conference, Workshop “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (June 9-10)

2008   AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (August 16-17)

2008   StatOilHydro, Porsgrunn, Norway, “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (June 24-26)

2008   SAAB, Sweden, “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (September 2-4)

2009   Excellence Lectures on L1 adaptive control, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Polytechnic of Turin, Italy

2008   NASA Marshall Workshop “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (February 23-25)

2009   Short course on L1 adaptive control, Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, China

2010    Short course on L1 adaptive control, Department of Automatic Control, Lund University, Sweden

2010    AIAA Guidance, Navigation and Control Conference, “Robust Adaptive Control”, conducted by K. Wise, N. Hovakimyan, E. Lavretsky (August 2-5)

2011    Short course on L1 adaptive control, Department of Automatic Control, Politechnic of Catalan, Barcelona, Spain

2011    Short course on L1 adaptive control, Department of Automatic Control, Beijing Institute of Technology, China

2011    Short course on L1 adaptive control, Department of Aerospace Engineering, Munich Institute of Technology, Germany

2011   Invited speaker in IFAC workshop “Multiple Vehicle Coordination, Navigation and Control: Theory and Practice”, organized by A. Pascoal, P. Aguiar, I. Kaminer, J. Hespanha, Milan, Italy

2012    Short course on L1 Adaptive Control, National aerospace Labs, Bangalore, India

2012     Short course on L1 Adaptive Control, StatOil, Porsgrunn, Norway

2012     Short course on L1 Adaptive Control, Munich, Germany

2012    Invited speaker in workshop “Guidance, Navigation and Control Applications in the Aerospace Industry”, conducted with Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls of IEEE CSS (December 10-14)

2013  Short course on L1 Adaptive Control, ACGSC meeting #111, Reno, NV

2014 Invited speaker in workshop “Adaptive Control”, CIAS, Toulouse, France

2014 Invited speaker in workshop “Emerging Frontiers in Adaptive Systems and Learning”, American Control Conference, Portland, OR

2014  Short course at NASA LaRC AISCS “A General Framework for Multiple UAVs Autonomous Cooperative Missions”

2014 Short course at Technical University of Munich “L1 Adaptive Control and Autonomy”

2015 Short course on L1 Adaptive Control, KAUST, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia

2015 Invited speaker in “Workshop for Middle and High School Teachers and Students”, American Control Conference, Chicago, IL

2016  Champaign-Urbana Sunrise Rotary Club presentation

2016  Outreach event “Girls go for it” in Westview Elementary School of Champaign

2016  Short course “L1 Adaptive Control”, University of Electronic Science and Technology, Chengdu, China

2016  Panelist for “Versatility of drones and robotics” in Pygmalion festival

2017  Panelist in Academic Alliance Workshop on Autonomy and Complex Systems, Sandia National Labs, Albuquerque, NM

2017  UAS Panelist in Promat, Chicago, IL

2017  Panelist Entrepreneurship Forum: The Future of Where Innovation is Headed, UIUC

2017  Invited speaker in workshop  “Guidance, Navigation and Control Applications in the Aerospace Industry – Current Problems and Modern Solutions”, co-organized with Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls of IEEE CSS (August 27-30), Kohala Coast, HI

2017  Leader for agricultural panel on iDSI Data Science Day at UIUC, October 10

2017  Open discussion with students of United World Colleges, Dilijan, Armenia

2017  Co-chair of NSF workshop “Machine Learning for Discovery Sciences”, Yerevan, Armenia (with Aram Galstyan, USC), co-sponsored by Foundation for Armenian Science and Technology

2018  Invited speaker in “UAS Safety and Risk Management” Symposium at Georgia Tech, Atlanta, GA

2019  Invited participant at Google’s International Women’s Day Leadership Roundtable, Chicago, IL

2019  Invited panelist at “Learn, Launch, Lead: Women and Entrepreneurship Conference”, Polsky Center for Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Chicago

2019  Invited speaker in workshop “Aerospace Controls: Current Topics in Theory and Practice”, co-organized with Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls of IEEE CSS, In American Control Conference, Philadelphia, PA

2020  Invited speaker in DoD Human-Machine Interactive Controls Workshop, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD

2020  Invited panelist in NSF NRI workshop breakout session “Urban Aerial mobility”, Arlington, VA

2020  Invited speaker in workshop “Current Topics in Aerospace Control”, co-organized with Technical Committee on Aerospace Controls of IEEE CSS, In American Control Conference, Denver, CO

2021  NSF workshop series “Making the Leap to Large”

2021   Invited panelist in NSF PIRE workshop “Assured CPS Autonomy for 3D Urban Transportation: Drones, Flying Cars and Beyond”, Berkeley, CA